Noel Bartholdi
Noel Bartholdi, Director of Wellness and Outreach for DRAGONFLY COUNSELING & WELLNESS, is a 5 time Ohio State Champion in Road Cycling, a Silver Medalists at USA Nationals in Mountain Biking, an ultra marathon Champion, and multiple Boston Marathon Qualifier.
She credits her success to plants, with a personal history of heart-disease, pre-cancer, and diabetes; Noel is living proof that a plant-based vegan lifestyle can transform a person, and heal a body from the inside out.
Noel, known as the “PLANT LIFE COACH”, has helped transition thousands of people to a whole food, plant-based, vegan lifestyle. She has coached the total reversal of diabetes, heart disease, and stage four cancer, with the awesome healing support of the most powerful lifestyle on the planet: a WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED VEGAN LIFE!